
What is Pressotherapy?
Pressotherapy is a painless, non-invasive detoxifying treatment.  This is a revolutionary process that promotes the body’s
natural functions and is a technique with a physiotherapeutic origin, widely used in vascular treatment for the
drainage of the lower limbs.  It is an excellent means of treatment for oedematose cellulite in the lower limbs.
Pressotherapy treatment is applied by means of trousers, sleeves or a girdle.  A computer controlled compression
system inflates individual sections of a special multi-chambered garment, forcing toxins and fatty deposits into the
circulatory system.  This enhances extra-cellular fluid clearance, increasing venous flow (blood flow to the heart).
The toxins are then naturally flushed by the body through the lymphatic system. 
It’s a great alternative to liposuction in combination with US Lipocavitation.
Pressotherapy is used to:
•    Duplicate the action on the body of massage
•    Repress the blood through slow and progressive pressure
•    Lessen telangiectasis (capillary distension / swelling / expansion)
•    Lymphatic drainage (alleviate oedema or swelling of the leg)
•    Provide immediate leg comfort and lightness
•    Assist in kidney function (poor filtration and a hydro saline imbalance, can lead to possible
accumulation of large quantities of fluid in the tissues

•    Assist in healthy heart function (problems can lead to tapered oedemas because of
an inadequate pumping effect)

•    Assist in premenstrual oedema (oedema during menstrual periods are linked to
the fluid-retaining effects of oestrogen.  Pressure therapy during the periods quickly solves the problem.)

•    Improve poor skin tone
•    Improve loss of muscle tone in immobilized patients, the disabled and the cachectic
Other treatment benefits include:
•    Improves discomfort from heavy legs, water retention, cellulite, and poor circulation
•    Body shaping and profiling
•    Weight management
•    Pre and post liposuction treatment
•    Reduces localized lipolytic oedema (fatty deposits)
•    Effective lymphatic drainage
•    Relieves leg pain and swelling
•    Helps prevent venous stasis (stagnation of blood flow in veins / capillaries)
•    Helps prevent deep vein thrombosis
•    Improves blood flow and oxygenation
•    Provides athletic performance enhancement